Friday, November 17, 2017

I'm at Mixon Fruit Farms Harvest Festival Saturday 1-3!!!

Everyone clear your calendars and come to the Mixon Farms Harvest Festival Saturday Nov. 18 from 9-5! 

 Address is 2525 27th St. E Bradenton. 

Why, you ask? Because the Florida Writers Association has a booth--Table 34. Wonderful writers--nonfiction, children's, murder mysteries & romantic suspense all showcased (and on sale) there. I'll have all my books on sale there with deep discounts! I'll be there in person 1-3 pm.

Me & other great authors presenting
Oh, almost forgot! Drawings for fabulous gift bags--enter to win 2 of my suspense/cozy mystery novels.

More information:

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Zelda has not left the building

And two more...

Reflections on a Treefrog 

I am moving beyond
The empty road
Looking to the empty sky
On either side are palms
The sidewalk stretches white and cold
Black lines segmenting my world
Into possible yards.

He is no longer part of the calculation
He is not part of the rhythm of my walk
Or my song
Only a one-note waltz
Interrupting the song of sorrow
Or Mozart
As I pass a familiar landmark

But soon after
After a tear or two
I am caught up in issues I can’t control
Or problems I can solve
I emerge into the world
I now inhabit
Without him

And the dream of something warmer cools.


The Empty Wind

Listen, hear that?
What, Zelda?
The wind. It's sighing.
I cock an ear.
Sounds more like whistling.

No. It's the sad wind, the forlorn wind
The wind of dying dreams.
It sighs for never loves.

What rubbish. What are 'never loves' anyway?

You don't know? They're the people who
Long to love and never find it who
Pray for love, wish on stars for love, look into each face that passes
Thinking, "He's the one."
The one who wakes up each morning believing that today will be the day when
He'll meet her
Their eyes will lock and he will whisper, "She's the one."
They never give up.

Well, that's just stupid. At some point isn't it better to move on?
Fashion your own life?
Make your own way?

Zelda stubbed her cigar out. "Tell me something.
What's the first thing you think about when you wake?

Okay, the weather.

Tommy brings a fresh drink to Zelda. She tosses it in my lap.
Used to this treatment, I mop it up and order another.
A pregnant silence ensues.  I know
From experience
That Zelda cannot stand pregnant silences. I wait.
"Liar." She spits it out unwillingly.
"Yes. I think of him."
She leans forward, cheeks tense,
Chin wobbly.
"Him? Who?"

"Him who isn't afraid. Him whose eyes light up when challenged.
Who has a story to match every story, but remembers
All mine. The man with a mind that never sleeps
Except with me.

Zelda sips her martini.
The wind whips the curtains into dust devils.
Far out in the bay a water spout rises, rips the clouds apart,
and falls back exhausted into the deep.

Finally she says
Never love.
I know, Zelda. I know.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

New Poem

Zelda strikes again--she takes on me and women who beg when they shouldn't. God help us all.
First on my poetry page.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Christmas sort of poem

Those of you who are weird enough to appreciate my poetry check the latest out at the tag poetry. Work in progress of course.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Zelda re-re dux

It Gets Worse

I'd almost made it out the door.

Going somewhere?


You're skipping town again, aren't you?


Zelda grabbed my shirt tail and yanked.
I huff and puff and yank back.
You are out of line this time, sister
He wants no part of me
My cave is waiting
My muse is beckoning

Zelda is not amused
Your fucking muse is just bored.
Last night in Valhalla?
She spun the bottle and let it land on you. Ha!  You're it.
Lucky you
You get to write the play the gods are waiting for
And while you're writing it
He's gone.

Happy now?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Last Tango

I went to find Zelda
She had been off the screen for months
And we missed her.
I found her
Hunched over a martini
In a bar that revolved high above the City
Slowly, but with determination.

She did not look up.
Zelda!  I cried.
Come back to the dance
You left mid-tango.  He misses you.
She took a long pull on her drink and
Gazed out over the City.
My fingers touched her wet cheek.
Why, Zelda?
Because, Babe,
She smiled at me through her tears,

He ate my big fish. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

A short Zelda. More to come


I go to the farmers’ market with Zelda.
She buys flowers
For her lover’s ex-lover
And sends them
Squashed into a nine-by-eleven manila envelope.
She agreed after considerable debate,  not

To include a note.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Zelda's Back

Sometimes I wish for the days of Nick and Nora, Fred and Irene, Miss Piggy and Miss Peel.

The Real thing  (6/28/14)

She arrives as usual in a fur coat
Sable I think
Tosses it to the hat check girl
Along with her Tiparillos, which are no longer acceptable
She stops
Pulls a lipstick from her tiny clutch
Presses it to her carmine lips
And follows Germaine to her usual table.
At least this is how I remember it.
Zelda is no longer the center of attention. But
Only because the attention is on lesser things.
When did we wobble away from the diamond?
Why have we settled for the simulated topaz?
How could Georges not be there
Dancing in attendance?
Where is the music
The white tie
The tails
The rhythm?
Zelda settles gracefully at my table.
You're mouldering little one.
The world has not changed.
Elegance is in the mind.
The little people have never acquired the knack and will never
Be able to strip us of it.
Elegance isn't a matter of giving but of receiving.
It is a generosity of spirit that embraces the outliers, the undertakers, the fishmongers
Even the plumbers
And knows them to be interesting because they are human.
Elegance even allows the poor blighters who wave the banner of elegance in defiance of the truth
To exist.
So said Zelda
Before her first sip.

You can imagine what she had to say after the second.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Zelda ReTurns

She arrives as usual in a fur coat
Sable I think
Tosses it to the hat check girl
Along with her Tiparillos, which are no longer acceptable
She stops
Pulls a lipstick from her tiny clutch
Presses it to her carmine lips
And follows Germaine to her usual table.
At least this is how I remember it.
Zelda is no longer the center of attention. But
Only because the attention is on lesser things.
When did we wobble away from the diamond?
Why have we settled for the simulated topaz?
How could Georges not be there
Dancing in attendance?
Where is the music
The white tie
The tails
The rhythm?
Zelda settles gracefully at my table.
You're mouldering little one.
The world has not changed.
Elegance is in the mind.
The little people have never acquired the knack and will never
Be able to strip us of it.
Elegance isn't a matter of giving but of receiving.
It is a generosity of spirit that embraces the outliers, the undertakers, the fishmongers
Even the plumbers
And knows them to be interesting because they are human.
Elegance even allows the poor blighters who wave the banner of elegance in defiance of the truth
To exist.
So said Zelda
Before her first sip.

You can imagine what she had to say after the second.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

What do you do with a life uninterrupted? A life filled with adventure but never broken up by love? A life full of events, awards, adventures, but no reason to appreciate them? No one waiting at the door after the last interview to say, I missed you.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Embarrassing Moments and How To Avoid Them

Today at Romance Books 4 Us I’ll be discussing how to use your personal memories wisely and effectively in your prose—without getting in major
trouble with a friend or relative. I even confess one of my most embarrassing moments! Check it out here:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Notes from a writer's weird world

Does this ever happen to other writers? I'm working on my new work-in-progress set on Chincoteague, and my heroine decided to call herself Addison Steele. So, in the spirit of the thing, I began to name everyone else after 18th-century British writers. Thus the hero is Hugh Radcliffe, others are Smollett, Swift--well you get the picture. At that point I had to come up with a name for the hero's brother. I wanted the hero to have a tattoo signifying
brotherly love, which brought me to Elton John's Daniel My Brother. Yay--perfect, until I realized what the brother's name would be....

Friday, February 1, 2013

M. S. Spencer Tale Spinner: POETRY

M. S. Spencer Tale Spinner: POETRY: This is about my daughter. Emma Deep deep hazel eyes Thick thick auburn hair The innocent look of the newly reborn Of the believer i...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lolita & Chocolate--Interviewed at Joyfully Reviewed--

Joyfully Reviewed interviewed me July 13.  In it I reveal my first encounter with Lolita and who I’d pick to play the lead in Artful Dodging: the Torpedo Factory Murders. Quick note: Mai Tais & Mayhem is now in production!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year Blues

Welcome to the World’s First Leap Year Blog Hop (oh there are so many word play possibilities I can’t begin to count…). To the commenter who can name the origin of Sadie Hawkins Day I am giving away a pdf copy of your choice of my four romantic suspense novels. Please make sure you leave your email address in your comment so I can contact the lucky winner.  And now for the main attraction:

Leap Year Blues
There is a tradition in England that if a woman wears a red slip on Leap Year Day the man she proposes to will accept her, love and cherish her for the rest of her life. I’m not from the UK, but I am an anthropologist and therefore willing to play by Roman rules where it suits me.
You know where this is leading. Yes, Leap Year. And this little Wile E. Coyote light bulb  went off in my head.  Ooh, ooh. I’ll propose to him. He won’t be able to deny me—after all, it’s Leap year (this is known in psychiatric circles as Denial). But, how to do it? In the words of another equally successful romantic figure, the wicked witch of the west, “These things must be done delicately.”
So, I Googled. And discovered the above tradition about red slips.  I hauled myself to Victoria’s Secret. No dice. Red lingerie is sold only at Christmas and Valentine’s day. Today we have your black, your teal, your hot pink… No? Off to Nordstroms. “My dear, scarlet niceties? I don’t think so.”
And so it went.
Around about twilight on Leap Year Eve I sauntered…well crawled…into Sears.
I love Sears. After all, Sears gave me my very first credit card, with which I bought my very first TV (a little black and white number with snazzy push buttons and a real antenna). I renewed my vows when I found the one and only red slip in the entire Washington metropolitan area.   Lacy, carmine, slinky and it fit. Sold, to the desperate little lady in bunny slippers.
I wended my way back home and booted up the laptop. Since the love of my life only communicated via email (he did not insist on my actual presence at our R-rated exchanges—a clue perhaps?) I wrote him. “I have the requisite red slip.”
He wrote back, “Huh?”
Me: “Now it’s okay for me to propose.”
Him: “Huh?” (I said he was gorgeous, not quick).
Me: “So?”
Pause. “Wait a minute, are you proposing?”
I refrained from the non-articulate and possibly insulting “Duh,” and answered with simple clarity: “Yes.”
Wait for it.
A little longer.
Okay, one looooong minute.
“Aren’t you sweet.”
For a more cheerful romance, try my latest, Triptych, in which legend, history and romance intertwine in a triptych of suspense. Click on the cover to your left for more information.

Please visit the next great blog on our hop: Juliette Springs at  for more Leap Year leaps of faith…

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My first guest!

Just a heads up, I'll be hosting Toni Sweeney next day (date TBA) who'll talk about her TWO new books--one a fantasy/futuristic novel entitled Variation and the other a sci/fi romance called For the Love in Adler's Brain.