Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Another 5-Star Review for The Penhallow Train Incident

Here’s another of several wonderful reviews for The Penhallow Train Incident, this one from Roxx T:


“Spencer's characters are delightful. Quirky, twisted, humorous, engaging, all the hallmarks of characters you will come to love. And set into a tale that pulls in so many varied strands that you could be forgiven for thinking the tapestry will never show itself. But it does, and in so doing, unveils a story that is imaginative and colorful. Guaranteed to keep you chuckling as you flip the pages.

A story you won't want to miss, with a conclusion you simply didn't see coming!”

You can read the full review here:

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Pit & the Passion new graphic

How do you like the new graphic for my mystery romance The Pit and the Passion: Murder at the Ghost Hotel? I love it!

She held her gaze steady, mainly so she could delve deep, deep into those chocolate eyes. Together with his sharp, angular nose and intense, almost predatory, expression, he reminded her of a peregrine falcon on the hunt.

At midnight, in the darkness of a deserted hotel, comes a scream and a splash. Eighty-five years later, workmen uncover a skeleton in an old elevator shaft. Who is it, and how did it get there? To find out, Charity Snow, ace reporter for the Longboat Key Planet, teams up with Rancor Bass, best-selling author. A college ring they find at the dig site may prove to be their best clue.

Although his arrogance nearly exceeds his talent, Charity soon discovers a warm heart beating under Rancor’s handsome exterior. While dealing with a drop-dead gorgeous editor who may or may not be a villain, a publisher with a dark secret, and an irascible forensic specialist, Charity and Rancor unearth an unexpected link to the most famous circus family in the world.

Charity, despairing of unearthing any charm in her prince charming, has an unexpected suitor.

Excerpt (G): The Frog Prince


As she trudged up the stairs, rain began to fall, sparking a chorus of cheeps from the tiny native treefrogs. It seemed to grow louder and louder. When she reached her door, she found out why. A huge green bullfrog sat in a small wooden cage on the mat. A tag attached to it said, “Kiss Me.” When she picked up the cage, a guttural voice croaked, “If you don’t kiss me, you won’t get your present.” She looked around but couldn’t see anyone. The voice came again. “Down here.”

The frog regarded her solemnly, its large eyes unblinking. She spoke to the air. “I am not going to kiss a frog.”

“Ah, but I’m a special frog. A prince of a frog. Kiss me.”

She had to admit she was tempted. “If I let you out, you’ll hop away.” Why the hell am I talking to an amphibian?

“Then you’d better kiss me quick.”

She shrugged. The rain turned into a downpour, and she moved under the shelter of the overhang. With hesitant fingers, she opened the little door. The frog hopped out. Quick as a flash, she bent down and touched her lips to its back. Surprisingly, it was neither slimy nor wet. She resisted the urge to wipe her mouth. The frog croaked once but remained crouched on its haunches, gazing at her. She shook her head. “No sense in asking. I’m only doing it once.”


“Wait for what?” “Wait for it…” There was a flash of purple smoke. When it cleared, the frog was gone, and Rancor sat on the step. “Your prince. As ordered.”

“How did you do that?”

“A magician never divulges his secrets.” He opened his palms to reveal a bouquet of gardenias. “For you. Will you be my valentine?”

She held the flowers and inhaled deeply. “They’re my favorite—how did you know?”

“I made inquiries. Jane is delightful by the way. Didn’t care much for Darryl.”

“Find out why he only sees her once a month, and she’ll be your slave for life.”

“That would make a refreshing change.”

“More than you deserve. Coming in?”

“Yes. I have to watch you change into something more suitable for Michael’s on East.”

“Rancor! I can’t afford that.”

“You don’t have to—I have secured a source of funding.”

“I don’t want to know.”

“No. You don’t.” He closed the door behind him. “Now, you haven’t answered my question.”

Busy with the flowers, Charity didn’t reply. He took the vase from her and set it down. Then he took her in his arms. “Will you be my valentine?”

At that, something broke inside her, and the tears flowed.

He dried them. “Should I take that as a ‘yes,’ or a ‘get out of my sight, you ogre’?” She kissed him, unable to talk.

“Go then. Put on that pearly white dress you wore in Paris. And leave your hair down this once.”

She obeyed, savoring the prospect of a Valentine’s Day that just might turn out to be the best ever.

 The Pit and the Passion: Murder at the Ghost Hotel

The Wild Rose Press, January 22, 2018 (Crimson Rose)

Mystery, Humorous/Romantic Comedy

Rating: PG13

418 p.; 97370 words


Buy Links:


Books2Read    Wild Rose Press

Amazon    ITunes    Barnes & Noble

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Indigo    IndieBound    Goodreads




Monday, March 21, 2022

Artful Dodging: the Torpedo Factory Murders--New Graphic!


Milo Everhart isn’t ready for love. Nor is she ready to find a dead body in the tower of the Torpedo Factory Art Center that snowy December night. She doesn’t have time for the handsome lawyer who wants to destroy the Art Center. Nor does she have time to worry about who has murdered whom and why. She has needlepoint to do.

The Torpedo Factory Art Center in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, is a hulking former munitions factory right on the waterfront. Since the 1970s it has been host to art studios, a museum, and an art school. It’s never been renovated and is still a vast open central space surrounded by meandering corridors and rooms tucked away here and there. It is topped by a tower reached by hidden stairs. So you can imagine how our heroine, Milo Everhart, felt when she found herself alone in a dark, empty building. Alone, except for the murderer, that is.

“Hello! Hello? 911?”

“Please state the nature of your emergency.”

“A body. There’s a b…b…body.” The word came out as a gurgle.

“Yes, ma’am. Now tell me where you are.”

Milo looked wildly around the darkened corridor. “Second floor. No lights.”

“Ma’am? Second floor of what?”

“Oh, er, the Torpedo Factory. I ran downstairs. I…”

“The Torpedo Factory? You mean the building at 105 North Union Street?”

Milo almost snapped, “How many torpedo factories do you know?” but thought better of it. “Yes.”

“All right, ma’am. Now, you say you’ve found a body? Is it dead?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Of course it’s dead. Dead. A dead body. In the office.”

“The office?”

“The tower. Look, can you send the police? I’m all alone in the building. Except for the body, of course. I mean, it’s pitch black in here. Please?” She knew she sounded less than rational, but weren’t 911 operators trained to weed out the gibberish and cut to the chase?

“I’ve already sent out a call. The police should be arriving any minute. Now, will they be able to enter the building?”

“Oh! Er. I don’t know. Archie’s already locked up.”


“The super. He’s long gone, though.”

“Can you get to a door to let them in?”

Milo’s shoes must have found bubble gum on the floor all by themselves, since they appeared to be stuck. “I…uh…I can’t get to the doors.” Nothing but silence on the other end. She must think I’m lazy. Or a coward. I’ll bet she knows how to wait people out, to force them to do her bidding. “I’m not lazy, miss. I’m just…I’m wondering. What if the murderer is hiding somewhere, still in the building?”

“Murderer? You think the victim was murdered?”


The Torpedo Factory in Old Town Alexandria

You can find Artful Dodging here:

Books2Read   Bookbub   Goodreads

Amazon   ITunes   Barnes & Noble

KOBO   Google Play   Walmart

Indigo   Overdrive


Artful Dodging: the Torpedo Factory Murders

Wild Rose Press, 7/20/2016; Imprint Crimson Rose 

Theme(s): Mystery/Cozy Mystery 
Contemporary romantic Suspense, M/F, 2 flames

Ebook, 66,830 words; Print 268 p 

Rating: Hot (R) 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Hidden Gem: the Secret of St. Augustine Releases April 4! Schedule of Events


Hidden Gem:

the Secret of St. Augustine

Here's the story:

Barnaby and Philo’s story begins with very bad chili and a dead body.

Barnaby is in St. Augustine, Florida, to teach a college seminar, and plans to use The Secret—a treasure hunt book—as a framework for his class. He enlists Philo Brice, owner of an antique map store, to aid him in seeking clues in the historic sites of the ancient city.

Together they face murderers, thieves, thugs, and fanatics, heightening their already strong attraction to each other. Can they solve the puzzle and unearth the treasure before the villains do? Philo and Barnaby pursue several twisting paths and false leads before arriving at a startling conclusion.

Here is the schedule of blog visits, reviews, and announcements along with the links:

4/4 N. N. Light’s Book Heaven, review of HG:


4/5 Rebecca Grace, My Writing Corner:

4/7 Vicki Batman:

4/8 Christina Lambert:

4/11 Sorchia’s Universe Novel Magic:

4/12 NN Light’s Spring Break Bookapalooza:

4/15 Viviana McCade:

4/15-30 Hidden Gem on NetGalley available for review

4/18 Jill Piscitello:

4/19 Around the Fire with D. V. Stone:

4/1-30: Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine, April issue

I will give you a heads up before each appearance! Each guest post will feature a different introduction and excerpt--so be sure to check into all of them!

Friday, March 4, 2022

Griffin Tate hero of The Penhallow Train Incident Interviewed


Griffin Tate, hero of The Penhallow Train Incident, graciously agreed to an interview, which really gives you an idea of who (what?) he is. The Penhallow Train Incident is ON SALE at Amazon for 99 cents through March 18—so get your copy now!  It is currently featured at the 2022 Winter Readers Challenge as well.



Where are you from?

Hard to say. Growing up we traveled a lot—lived in Europe, the Middle East, and lots of U. S. States. I didn’t really settle down until after graduate school when University of Chicago hired me as an assistant professor. Went from there to Queenstown University in New Jersey and now happily ensconced in Maine.

Tell us a bit about The Penhallow Train Incident.

I sure enjoyed being part of the story, although I’d never admit it aloud. The Penhallow Train Incident is a funny, romantic, murder mystery set in Maine.   Rachel Tinker,  director of the Penhallow Historical Society, meets her match in Griffin Tate,  curmudgeonly retired professor (that’s me). Together we wade through a scene awash in red herrings to solve not one, but three murders. If, in fact, they are murders (I was never convinced, but don’t tell Rachel—she’ll just scoff). Along the way we deal with ancient rumors, ancient crime, and ancient tragedy, as Rachel—poor besotted soul--gropes nearer and nearer to love.

What did you think the first time you saw Rachel Tinker?

One more thing I’ll never admit, although she guessed, but I fell for her the first time I saw her on campus at Queenstown, surrounded by young acne-scarred, snot-nosed whippersnappers.

What was your second thought?

That she’d never give me a second glance.

Did you feel it was love at first sight?

Nah, she was way too chilly—you know how those female academics are. Besides, like I said, it wasn’t worth even approaching her—she was always surrounded by pimply-faced, weak-chinned undergrads.

What do you like most about her?

Do I have to say it? Sheesh, nosy little bugger, aren’t you. I suppose I’d have to say her curiosity, and of course her willingness to agree with everything I say. Oh wait, that’s my dog.

How would you describe her?

Well, she is rather beautiful, in a sensible way. She doesn’t seem to mind my occasional moods. She’s very bright for a girl, and willing to learn. Yes, I’d give her an A.

How would she describe you?

You’d have to ask her. Whatever I say she’ll dispute.

What made you choose Middle East history as a career?

I lived in the Middle East in my youth and naturally veered toward it in school.

What is your biggest fear?

Losing Rachel—and having her know that’s my greatest fear.

How do you relax?

Nap. Beer. Sail. Chase after stolen artifacts.

Who is your favorite fictional character and why?

The Queen of Sheba—if in fact she’s fictional. If not, Indiana Jones.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

Sit down and shut up.